After leaving Poon Hill and Ghorepani I embarked on the next leg of my journey which would take me east to the village of Chomrong, then north up into Annapurna base camp.  I would now be going up into the heart of the Annapurna range, which I spent the last 17 days circumnavigating.  The hike from Ghorepani to Chomrong usually takes two days, but I was getting fit and feeling good so I did it in one long day.
Machhapuchhre AKA Fishtail Peak (6993m - 23,000 ft.)
Passing throught the village of Tadapani on the way to Chomrong, I was walking through the fog, then all of a sudden in front of me the clouds briefly parted and I was able to get this photo of Fishtail Peak.  Just seconds later I was socked in by clouds again
Heading up the glacial moraine to Annapurna Base Camp
Since leaving Chomrong 2 days ago I had descended back into the leech infested rainforest then began the long climb back up to 4200m (13,800 ft.)  This shot is at the head of the glacial moraine, now only about 1 hours walk to Annapurna Base Camp.
The "camp" at Annapurna base camp.   Annapurna South 7219m - 23,700 ft. in backround
The are 4 very comfortable guest houses here and the location is mindblowing.  You are surrounded by gigantic peaks and throughout the day and night the silence is punctuated by the crack and rumble of avalanches and icefall.  The following photos cant really convey what its like to be here.  I have travelled extensively in many mountain ranges and I have never seen peaks of this scale or majesty.  This place was the highlight of my trip and I will never forget feeling of standing in the shadows of these giants.
Annapurna I  8091m - 26,550 ft.
spectacular fluted peaks
The steep rock face of Fishtail Peak 6993m - 23,000 ft.
Memorial to Anatoli Boukreev
I spent a couple of days exploring the mountains around base camp, then headed downhill for the 2 day walk to Pokhara where I spent another few days before catching the bus to Kathmandu.  By the time I returned to Kathmandu the place was a buzz of tourists getting ready to trek or climb.  I had walked for around 30 days on the Annapurna Circuit and Annapurna Basecamp treks encountering very few other tourists which was very fortunate because in the coming weeks the trekking routes would be extremely crowded
"Slow Drive - Long Life" on the road to Kathmandu
The road from Pokhara to Kathmandu is narrow, steep, and crowded.  Its notorious for gruesome accidents with busses and TATA trucks going over steep cliffs.  The slogan on the bumper of this TATA truck nicely summed up my Nepal experience. " Slow Drive, Long Life,"  words of wisdom for sure.  If you ever have to opportunity to do a trek in the Himalayas I can assure you it will be the experience of a lifetime.

Thanks for taking the time to read about my travels.  Now I'm looking forward to next years adventure.  I have two choices.  One is to go to Delhi India, buy a 500cc Royal Enfield and ride it over the highest road in the world at 19,000 ft to the town of Leh, then down to Goa on the coast, then back to Delhi.  My second option is to trek the famous Karakoram Highway and Baltoro glacier in Pakistan.  I wish I could do them both....................
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